Charles Les Maine – Tasmania
Les was born on 14th June 1930 at Zeehan, to Henry Charles and Gladys Maine. Les married Betty and have 6 children, Barry, Dianne, Wayne, Henry, Timothy and David. Les resided at Zeehan, Kindred and Ulverstone.
Les worked as a Miner, Bushman and Bulldozer contractor. Les enjoyed playing football, indoor bowls, golf and woodchopping.
Les favoured the foot underhand as his favourite discipline. Having won over 100 championships and many West Coast Standing Block Championships. His greatest achievements include winning the foot underhand at the Royal Melbourne Show in front of the Queen and being selected in the winning Tasmanian Team Vs the Rest of the World 1970/
Les dedicated many years to the North Western Division as a committee member, block getter and ring steward.