Arthur Charles ‘AC’ Smith – Tasmania
23/02/1901 – 04/12/1955
Lived all his life at East Sassafras, NW Tasmania, at Smith and Other Road proudly names after Arthur. He worked all his life in the bush and on his neighbours farm. His jobs were cutting railway sleepers by broad axe, splitting fence posts, post and rail fencing, shingles and firewood All trees were cut down with an axe.
Arthur supplied chopping blocks to may carnivals including the famous Henley on the Mersey at Latrobe.
He world work at least 10 hours a day for 6 days a week and earn less than 2lb a week.
Arthur competed in standing, underhand and double handed sawing events. His speciality was the 18-24 inch standing in which he was never beaten in. He teamed up with Jim Foster to cut the 24 inch Butchers Block and were never beaten.
Arthur won many World Championships in these two events. His greatest win was the Duke of Glouster Event cut at Burnie in 1934, the 18 inch Championship. He was a reserve Axeman for the event and hadn’t training for it, he had the flu, but still walked 5 miles with his axe in a sugar bag and got a lift. He only had enough money to enter 1 event and he won it in front of Royalty Beating Jim Foster, Bob Rad ford and other champions axemen.
His son Vern has competed in woodchopping and his grandson and great grandsons still compete today.
He was severely injured in the bush on a still day by a limb and died the day he was to be released from hospital from a blood clot.
He will be remembered as World Champion who loved BIG blocks.